January 7, 2009

New BMW R1200R review by Cycle Canada

Cycle Canada reviews BMW R1200R this month. It's great to see some new reviews after a long quiet period post-2007 launch. This article is a fair assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the bike.

...in a market where the standard has been replaced with the harder-edged, higher performing naked, is there still a place for a gentle fairing-free motorcycle?

I'm glad to see them ask the question, and see that the understand the R1200R is not in the same class as the other 'naked' bikes such as the Suzuki Bandit or Yamaha FZ1. I'll agree that the R1200R is more of a touring bike than a sportbike, but they stop short of praising the all-roundability the naked boxer offers.

One thing in the article that refreshingly isn't straight from BMW brocheurware is that, "Riding the BMW gives you the sense that it would be more comfortable adding the few pounds that it lost (in the form of a fairing and panniers) to come back to its natural weight." I'll have to agree, and it's another thing i love about the bike. While dry weight is fun to brag about is is the wet weight + rider + gear that makes the ride. The R12 does strikes an even balance with all that added. Anticipation can be a heavy burden too.

Nice work, Cycle Canada!

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