Another late night departure from work and a new camera swung over my shoulder. Tanks bags don't help when you have to leave the bike (i already have enough stuff to carry) and the in-pocket camera, frankly, sucks. And so I turn to a timeless setup with lens at my side ready to shoot. In this case a blurry dash of colour, but it can only be onward from here. snap.
Panasonic GF1
Vancouver, Canada
I was also looking at the Lumix GF1 but as I have been doing more video lately, I settled on a 1080 videocam. I like the size of the GF1 vs a dSLR and with an adapter I could use some of my Leica lenses
Wet Coast Scootin
Hey Bob,
Yeah, 1080 would have been nice to have on the GF1 but I'll take the 720 for now given how great it is at still images, and stills will always be my focus.
I have some Nikon and M42 lenses that i use on the 5D. i think i'll get some of the GF1 adapters too.
Now that Apple Aperture supports video including metadata management I see myself producing a lot more. Who knows what the ratio will be in the future...
Dan, really looking forward to your GF1 shots.
I bought a S90 and love it — barely any grain at 800 or lower. While not as robust as a full size DSLR, the portability of these tweener cameras more than makes up for the subtle loss in image quality.
@Websterize - The S90 looks like a great camera. It was actually my recommendation to a family member that is currently traveling around the world and he couldn't be happier.
I'm looking forward to the new camera introducing a new style of shots to Daily Rider. What that is I don't know, but... something.
I was actually looking at the S90 too but settled on a Lumix ZS3 since I wanted the AVCHD 720p30 video mode. Most of my HD video on Youtube since Dec has been using the ZS3. I was also looking at the new Sony HX5v since it had 1080 video AVCHD but instead settled for a Panasonic TM55.
I may still upgrade my old D80, I can get a good deal on a D300 but was eyeing the GF1 too. I like the idea of being able to use old manual lenses
Wet Coast Scootin
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