I've always had a love/hate relationship with cows. In one way, they always seem rather dignified as they walk around without a care in the world and chew chew chew. On the other hand they are huge beasts and can run quick when given the need to chase or flee (not that they ever invoke this skill very often). I'm nervous around them. But i think the most distressing thing of all is how they cluster into packs, heads down, chewing... but never take their eyes off of you. They are conspiring, and it's something so grand they have yet to reveal their plans for the world. Until then I'll always stop and watch the cows.
Lumix GF1 ƒ5

more cows!
1 comment:
"They are conspiring, and it's something so grand they have yet to reveal their plans for the world."
I have never seen it that way but now I get the picture. They probably communicate telepathically and their chewing is an act of meditation.
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