I think I had an audience setting up camp this night. Rolling into the campsite the sky was dark but no sign of rain. Taking my time, i searched for the perfect site to give me a twilight view of the ocean and nighttime soundtrack of the crashing surf. The wind stirring the huge waves was also blowing around the skies and soon a dark cloud was upon us. Hail and rain. Jumping to action I think i had the tent up in 90 seconds and turned to a crowd of encouraging onlookers huddled under umbrellas. I could just see the thought clouds above their heads saying "we don't have to do with with our RV!" and I couldn't argue with that. Eventually the rain subsided and a violent stirring of black and blue filled the sky for the next few hours until well past sunset.
Lumix GF-1 ƒ4
I noticed your comment on the prev post. I have been using alt lenses on my EOS body, with adapters. I am having good luck with my M42 SMC Takumar lenses. I really was going to get the GF1 but then the GF2 came out. I don't like the crop factor 2x, as my crop factor is only 1.6x If you get a M4/3 adapter you can try them out. I have a couple of Zeiss; Planar 50mm 1.4, and Distagon 25mm 2.8, or Pentax 50mm 1.4, 35mm 3.5 or 28mm 3.5. I also have Leica M lenses
Myself, I am not a camper so I would be in the crowd with the umbrellas and ride back to my cosy motel. That shot may have been better as an HDR
Riding the Wet Coast
Hi Bob - Yes, I really like the adapted lenses on the EOS cameras. With the 5D there's of course no crop so you get all the personality of the lenses including interesting corner imperfections. I mostly shoot with some great Nikkor glass I got in Japan a few years back (every lens for less than $50!) but also have some M42 mount Takumar lenses. They are quite warm and I like the images.
Since i have the full-frame i don't mind the M43 (as in micro 4/3, how easy it would be to confuse that with M42...) crop, but the pictures are not nearly as good as the 5D. I am happy with the GF1 in other ways but understand the video is limited to 720p. The dial controls work great, but i'm sure a touchscreen would become intuitive too, as long as it works in sunlight.
I've never tried HDR and am up to try it, but my gut tells me it won't be part of my toolkit. In this shot I like how to turned out, very dark and broody, as that's how it really felt to be there. As I said in a previous post my goal with the shots on Daily Rider is to capture the "mind's interpretation of the eye's view of the heart's motivation".
One thing to consider is the limitations of the digital sensor in that it cannot capture the full dynamic range of what your eye "sees". Your eye can capture, perhaps 15 stops. A digital sensor can capture perhaps 6 or 7 so you are not really manipulating your image with HDR, rather you are compressing the tones into a range which can be displayed with digital to more closely view what your eye would have seen.
but you are right in that photography is like ART where moods can be conveyed by the artist playing with the light available
Riding the Wet Coast
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