Taking a minute to enjoy a beverage at the side of the road in a rather sketchy small town in Washington state. Not wanting to leave the bike too long I reclined in the grass behind it and enjoyed a coffee before continuing the next 200km of interstate home. I liked the way the traffic blurred by as my attention faded in and out.
Panasonic Lumix GF1 @ ƒ22
Welcome back Dan. Was wondering when you'd show up again!
I too went for a tour of Washington State last month. I'll post some of my adventure in the near future.
Thanks! Looking forward to your shots.
Did i ride past you in North Van last week? I gave a wave to another black R1200R with a John V plate holder.
No, that wasn't me. Must another black R1200R in the neighbourhood.
I just got back from a 5 day tour of BC and Alberta. More postings I'm now behind on.
Oh well..... I'd rather be riding!
No, that wasn't me. Must another black R1200R in the neighbourhood.
I just got back from a 5 day tour of BC and Alberta. More postings I'm now behind on.
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